Monday, May 24, 2010

Does Obama have issues admitting when hes wrong?

His campaign is fighting a fire over his "bitter" small town America comments. He has tried to tackle that by first reinterpreting his words and now this:

"If I worded things in a way that made people offended, I deeply regret that," Obama said in an interview with the Winston-Salem (N.C.) Journal.

IF ? Why can't Obama just acknowledge that HE DID offend small town America, he retracts the offending remarks and he apologises for having made them? Why the caveat of IF which indicates he thinks there is some doubt about how offensive his statements were?

Does Obama have issues admitting when hes wrong?
This guy is an arrogant A$$ HOLE.

I am really "BITTER" about his explanation of the statement.

"And so they pray and they count on each other and they count on their families. You know this in your own lives, and what we need is a government that is actually paying attention. Government that is fighting for working people day in and day out making sure that we are trying to allow them to live out the American dream."


I don't need obama or the governmen to allow me to live out my American dream.

IT"S MY RIGHT, as a responsible adult to live out the American dream. What I need is the government to stay out of my American dream, and obama to stay out of White House

Ya THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:No-let's give that award to Hillary. When exactly did she apologize for her authorization to go to war with Iraq?
Reply:I know exactly what he meant by that remark, and he was right. People are bitter and cynical. They don't believe anything can change, and they aren't willing to give change a chance by voting for Obama.

Finally, we have a candidate who tells it like it is. It's a shame people are so small-minded and resentful that they would refuse an opportunity for change in government. Lord knows we need it.

Hillary is up to her typical tactics. She has people spying on Obama, and she'll use anything to discredit him. She should concentrate her energies on her own campaign. With her it will be the same old dirty politics as usual. People are afraid to try something new.

Obama for America in '08!
Reply:He is well aware that his remarks were offensive, which is why he is squirming like a worm on a hook. But how can he retract his words and apologize for them without asking his beloved pastor and mentor to do the same?
Reply:Obama never apologizes or if he does.. he only says he is sorry if he offended anyone.

But the more serious question is.. why is Obama always having to clarify what he meant or 'apologizes' for offending people and yet repeatedly does it in the first place.

Same with his wife's "First time proud of America" comments.

It seems like you give Obama more opportunities to speak, these comments keep coming out.... and one has to wonder what does this man really believe???
Reply:He doesn't think he was wrong.
Reply:He definitely has issues.... none of them good.
Reply:He's pandering to the elite 'latte liberals', the same people he first made the remarks to.

By using 'if' at the beginning of the sentence he is implying that the liberal base are just not educated enough to have really understood what he was trying to say.

He is, therefore, still pandering to the elite and still being condescending.
Reply:well bush never admits hes wrong,which is all of the time!
Reply:OBAMA = GOD!
Reply:He's an uppity, liberal elitist snob.
Reply:Only bitter people see that his statements are offensive. So in both ways, you just prove that he made points in his speech.
Reply:Even his campaign has admitted that Obama made a mistake.
Reply:Obama never thinks he's wrong. He's a smarty pants elitist who has been given a free pass at every stage of his political why should he?
Reply:According to Him he's never wrong why admit it. Hillary has the same problem ie the Kosovo lies that both she and her husband told. Or for that matter Monicagate.
Reply:Since we don't know what this guy stands for, it seems reasonable that we should parse his behavior.

I personally don't believe that he thinks he was wrong. I believe that he thinks that he is always right, and right now he has to be careful because people are dissecting everything he says. If he is elected, he won't be any where near as careful.

White middle class America has learned how to talk to and about others. We are used to governing our speech so as not to possibly offend anyone else.

People who are among those who might be offended, have not learned to govern their speech. They haven't had to take racial sensitivity classes, and they see no reason to be careful, or to treat others as they would like to be treated.

We will be seeing much more of this type of faux pas and if we elect him, we will see a total change of culture in Washington. It will be a muzzling of mainstream America and absolute freedom of speech for anyone who isn't.

We are getting more and more like the Nazi's.

The only free speech that is allowed, is anti America speech.

Children are encouraged to turn their parents in for owning guns, or any other non politically correct behavior.

Schools are empowered to intrude on family values.

If we elect either of the liberals who are running, we will no longer be able to recognize our great country in 4 years.
Reply:That is just the way he is. He said accepting donations from Tony Rezko was ok but only gave the money back because his campaign told him to.
Reply:No, Hillary Clinton and George Bush do.

They are not wrong, they only Mis-speak!

He can't change his comments because that will label him as a flip flopper which is much worse. Anyways, you cant change the truth.

What the hell is a latte liberal?
Reply:Obama has a promlem with admitting anything....So does hillary as well so they are even in my book
Reply:I think the Dems are bitter, they have been robbed by the Dems for so long and they can't come up with anything any better than Hillary or Obama for a president. Even Dean is flustrated and does not know which way to turn. And neither of them can be any better than the other,their in a dead heat race. And at least he did apologize, saying he was wrong, he didn't try to tell the public he mis-spoke about the situation. I think his timing was wrong and he had it mis-worded to what he actually meant, America is bitter. I drive a truck over this nation and you get out in the public and listen to the stories everyday and you would know how bitter they are.

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