Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interview question?

A customer has come to your department with an urgent question. You promised her that you would collect information about her question and answer it by noon. It will take you at least 20 minutes to gather the information needed to provide an answer. It is now 11:50 a.m. Your supervisor just scheduled a 30-minute meeting to start at noon. This meeting is for all employees in your department. You decide to:

a)Ask your supervisor if you can be late for the meeting.

b)Find the customer after the meeting and apologize.

c) Contact the customer right away and hope that she can be found.

d)Arrange to have the customer call you back at a better time.

Interview question?
Contact the customer right away.
Reply:C. And I have never even worked with paying customers but I know how important they are. You cannot disappoint a customer by cancelling an appointment. The Customer is Always Right! Have you ever heard that slogan.

An angry customer is the worst thing for a business that thrives on good customer relations.

The question seems more designed as a test of a persons judgement as well. Asking a supervisor to be excused from a hastily called meeting may not be using the best judgement in a case where a customer is concerned.

If someone chose B, it shows that they wouldn't have even made an effort to find the customer. You know, just write them off without even trying to let them know. Very rude!

A (D). answer would likely inconvienence the customer by changing times.

The correct answer C, shows that you immediately thought of trying to contact the customer as soon as possible and hope to find the customer ($$$).

I emphasize the answer C.

Then, explain to the supervisor what happened. You should get a raise.

Remember: This was an URGENT matter for the customer!
Reply:I would recommend D.

As a customer, I'd rather get a complete answer a little late, after being notified, than get an incomplete one sooner.
Reply:A would be my answer. You have promised the customer information by noon. explain the situation to the manager.
Reply:first would tell the customer..immed. that I cannot meet my own promised deadline of noon....10 minutes wont do a 20 minute job. I would then tell my supervisor that I have a customer service problem that I need to handle now..customer service is always first, I would complete that and then go to the rest of the meeting...bad time..noon for a meeting? so they want people to do lunch during meetings?
Reply:Inform your supervisor that you are taking care of a customer issue and get the info as urgent as possible. Join the meeting as soon as possible.

UNLESS, your manager doesn't care about customer service and is adamant about doing your job regardless of customers. (i've had many managers like this) Then, you go to the meeting, and then gather the info.

Best thing to do to meet all times, let the customer know @ 11:55 that you are making progree on getting that answer and will give it as soon as you find out. Explain that it appears that it'll take a small bit longer than expected. Have another emplotee begin gathering basic info while you attend the meeting pertaining to your dept. that you are responsible for. At the end of the meeting, take the info gathered and get back to the custome with what you have.
Reply:It's C. Contact the cutomer right away and reschedule the meeting with him. In this way you will please both the customer, who will be satisfied when later he would get his product, or info, and the boss, who will not even know his department had a problem.

Reply:c - I would call them, say I am working on it, have to go to a meeting and will call them back at 2 pm.
Reply:I would do A. If that's not acceptable, then I would do C. But if I'm in a position to help customers and this is urgent, then I would hope I'd be able to stop at A, and that my supervisor would appreciate the fact that I was taking time to satisfy my customer.
Reply:I would pick c.

a is irresponsible. meetings are important and shouldn't be detained.

b is irresponsible...dont make a customer wait if you promised her info

c, I lilke, find her....tell her you need more time to gather more info.

d is irresponsible...dont make the customer feel that she must keep contacting you, begging you for info....You should make her feel more important and reach out to her.

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