Friday, July 31, 2009

The Presidental race is on ? (C. theory)?

"The incidents raise questions as to whether the information was accessed for political purposes and why two contractors involved in the Obama search were dismissed before investigators had a chance to interview them. It recalled an incident in 1992, when a Republican political appointee at the State Department was demoted over a search of presidential candidate Bill Clinton's passport records. At the time, Clinton was challenging President George H.W. Bush."

Oct. 19 1992:

"Coming on the eve of the crucial first debate, the apparent aim of the Bush strategy was to sow new doubts about Clinton's trustworthiness and rattle the Democrat into making fresh gaffes"

Will the republicans now have enough ammunitions from the documents to win the elections this year ? Whatever it is..

The Presidental race is on ? (C. theory)?
Oh there are so many conspiracy than can come out of this whole incident. However, what I thought of right away was Nixon and Watergate and maybe either Obama or Clinton, or McCain's parties went in there to try to destroy the other, while at the same time accessing their own file so no one would be suspicious.. The article did say that the information did contain the social security numbers of all three and once they have your social security number they can access all kinds of info.
Reply:I wonder why nobody looked at Huckleberry's stuff.


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