Sunday, August 2, 2009

When and more importantly how should I tell my employer I am pregnant?

When I was hired I was 12 weeks, I did not tell them during my interview b/c it was none of their business. I wanted to wait until after my 90 day probationary period to tell them. I just now reached that point and am aware of the rules for time off which is 2 months before I need to leave. I am showing and its obvious but no one has asked me about it because I sit behind a desk all day. My question really is, What wordage should I use to explain to my boss about my maternity leave.

When and more importantly how should I tell my employer I am pregnant?
im a temp and was suppose to get hired permantely after the 3mnths probation. My boss told me i cant ge hired yet because i wont be able to pass the xray test. so im still a temp and wont be hired until after i have a baby =|

when i told him he was pleased that i had let him know a head of time. he advised me that if i wouldnt have said anything i would have cause problems because i was recently hired and then would have to be put on maternity leave..

point is tell ur boss already. they cant fire u for being pregnant but they can lose trust since u didnt tell them a head of time.
Reply:put in your request for time off, and type of time you are using like sick time, or vacation time. and for the reason, i would put birth of child and the expected due date.

for back up, i would use a doctor's excuse/notice documenting the due date and have him write a notice that you will be taking your 2 weeks off before your due date and approximately 6 to 8 weeks after birth.

apply for state disability as well to cover your time off.

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