Sunday, August 2, 2009

Has anyone been discriminated against for a job b/c you are pregnant?

I have been teaching kindergarten on a temporary contract for 1 year now. The person whos job I took over is coming back so now I have to reapply for jobs within the school district. I have had wonderful evaluations, parents requesting me for next year, people at the school I am at wanting to keep me....but I interviewed for 2 jobs at different schools and didn't get either one! Now I am out of a job for next year with baby on the way...I am visibly pregnant and think this is why..I would be taking Sept-November off to be with my baby. Very frustrated, upset and felt like I have been slapped in the face! Can anyone else relate?

Has anyone been discriminated against for a job b/c you are pregnant?
With my first, I was nineteen years old, and I got turned down to work at ALBERTSON'S. They told me to "come back when you've had the baby".

... So, yes, I know how it feels. I'm sure it's even worse when you've been to college.
Reply:I'mma guy.... no.

I would use the people who like you to your advantadge. I'm pretty sure there's a parent there somewhere who is willing to help you out by mentioning your name in passing to the right people.

Iunno, I don't know that much about being pregnant or teaching.
Reply:I totally understand what you are going through. Unfortunately people do discriminate. Back in Jan. I got hired at disney world in Florida. Everything was great until I found out that I was pregnant. They didn't cut me any slack and when I tried to bring a doctor's note for light duty they rejected it. I knew the things I was doing was not healthy for me or my baby, and got tired of trying to get them to ease off me but they used it against me to say i was using it as an "excuse". I had had enough and left, but now I am 5 months and fianancially can't afford to stay home. Had an interview but as soon as I mention I couldn't stand up for long periods of time or carry anything heavy....that was it. So as you can see you are not the only one in this situation. It hurts because employers look at you and all they see is someone who needs more breaks, or can't work like a slave so they can't use them. Don't let it get you down, be strong and just keep trying. I have another interview tomorrow and i'm not gonna let the first one get me down. Pregnant women have as much right to work for their families as anyone else and if you feel that an employer is judging you for that reason. Feel free to remind them about the Law of equal rights. Best of Luck and congrats on the Baby!!!
Reply:It simply does not matter...people will find something, eye color, tone of voice, etc to pull apart.

Just keep at it, and you'll be fine.

Good Luck!
Reply:I wasn't actively discriminated against, but that's why I'm not working right now. I graduated with a special ed degree in December, and I'm due with my first child this Sunday. I figured no school - no matter how desperate - was going to hire me knowing I wouldn't even finish the semester. Principals want stability for the kids whenever possible, and if there is another qualified candidate for the job who is NOT pregnant, he/she is going to get the job. It's not necessarily fair, but they can always cite some other reason to not hire you.

Just keep interviewing! If there are no more openings in your school district, try neighboring areas. Surely you can find someone willing to look beyond your pregnancy and see how qualified you are. Good luck!
Reply:My friend is a nurse and when she was pregnant one place didn't hire her they said shy could not lift and weight but another place did hire her even knowing she is pregnant.

Don't give up keep trying. If you can't get a teaching job just any decent job in different field so can work for short period once you have the baby if you want you can return to teaching job. I don't know if you have insurance or not. But even if you get any decent job atleast you be able to get insurance. Why don't you work at a bank, flower shop etc.

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