Romney's explanation for bowing out so early did not sound credible in view of his "fire in the belly," persistence, and funds . If Romney has so many differences with McCain (per his interview 2/10/08 on C-Span), another reason to question Romney's early dropping out.
What was the REAL reason Romney left the Republican Presidential race when he still had a chance?
Too many were looking at his past. He couldn't handle the heat.
His company literally OWNS clear channel, which owns EVERY political radio show you can name.
He has flip flopped on EVERY issue at least once in the past 5 to 10 years. Literally more flip flopping than john Kerry.
Reply:It was a last ditch effort to avoid a brokered convention. He was coerced into standing down.
Edit: BTW LuckyB, McCains delegates did not defect. Huckabee delegates were forced to cut a deal with the eliminated Ron Paul delegates in order to secure this win. This is because the Ron Paul grassroots viewed Romney as the biggest threat. Insider information states that Ron Paul picked up 3 delegate in WV but won't be recorded in the final tally.
Not to mention that when people are confronted with real people who support RP and firm on why. They make pretty convincing arguement at these caucus conventions. Report have been coming in from across the country that McCain, Romney, and Huckabee delegates are converting to Ron Paul from the lowest levels of the grassroots movement.
The neo-con in the GOP are in a panic and even showing signs of diress. Trying to save McCain and throw even media darling Huckabee under the bus. As demonstrated by the media since the last CNN debate and now in Washington state.
The GOP needs to begin to address Democrats and particularly the HRC which is the biggest reason he's here. If Romney stayed in it. It would split free media time and a marginal number of votes.
The only way the neo-cons and private bankers can garantee Ron Paul will not have a chance is to overt a brokered convention. Which at this point cannot be avoided.
Reply:If the reasons he gave were not enough...what difference does it make?
He is's changing that.
Reply:he had no real chance. he will get out and try again in 4 or 8 years.
He is a Republican John Kerry (flip flopper)
Reply:Romney knows the chances of a Republican winning the election this November. They're next to nothing. To give the GOP the best chance, he feels it's better that he not give Republicans any reason to stay divided any longer. He'd rather have a strong GOP led by McCain than a weak GOP led by either one of them.
Reply:Romney saw in the first contest decided on Super Tuesday:
Huckabee Wins West Virginia GOP convention - AP
Fascinating. At the convention, the first choice totals were:
- Romney - 41%
- Huckabee - -33%
- McCain - 15%
- Paul - 10%
With Paul and McCain out, Huckabee picked up the most of their votes and it ended up:
51.5% - Huckabee
47.4% - Romney
"Because no candidate had a majority, Paul, the last-place finisher, was eliminated for the second vote. The defection by McCain's delegates to Huckabee allowed him to prevail over Romney." AP
Instant runoff voting (IRV) combines the best of caucus and primary voting. With the caucus you see immediately who has the least support and before the voting is locked in you can move your one vote. With the primary you have the privacy of your vote. You get both of those with IRV, because you rank your choices on the ballot and your one vote moves to your next choice as your top choices are eliminated. Just as in the example above.
Edit: My email is open. This forum is not open for chatting, as YACG reprimands us children from straying from the sandbox, so I won't. So, there!
Nibiru, because WV was the first to finish Tuesday night, Romney would have the results preying on his mind. When it comes down to just two, even against Huckabee, Romney loses. That's all the feedback that his handlers needed. You wait til the night is over so that you do not look premature.
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