Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wat is diff b/w *p++ and ++*p?

it is a c language question ask in interview

Wat is diff b/w *p++ and ++*p?
It is an increment that happens before or after the variable is returned. The * indicates p must be a pointer.

If p is 3, then

p++ will return 3 and then increment p by 1, which means p is 4

++p will increment p by 1, which means p is 4, then return p.
Reply:*p++ returns the contents at p and then increments p by the size of the type that p points to.

++*p returns the contents of p incremented by 1.

If char *p = "159"

ch = *p++ would return '1' and then p would = "59"

ch would = '1'

If char *p = "159"

ch = ++*p would increment the value at p

ch would = '2' and p = "259"
Reply:*p++ it is add a one to 'p' and then it is return and it will return and then add a one as 'p' is a pointer

One p is in the prefix form and another one is in postfix form.

Let take an example to explain



Ans y=2 and then x=2

We first increment x, like y=x+1 where x=1



Ans y=1 and then x=2

We first check for y since the + sign is found behind x. We put y=1 and then increment x.

Tips: Look for the position of the sign and then calculate. It will help u.

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